What to Expect


Prior to your surgery, a Registered Nurse from the Surgery Center Staff will call you to obtain a medical history, prepare you for the day and discuss specific instructions about your surgery. Feel free to call 309-762-1952 between 8:00am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday to talk to the nurse if you have not already heard from her.

The nurse will want to know about any previous hospitalizations or procedures you have had. A complete list of your current medications, dosages and how often you take them, including over the counter and herbal medicines will be needed. This information helps in determining what testing may be needed, if any, prior to surgery.

Instructions to be given to you by the nurse and will include:

  • Eating and drinking instructions.
  • Medications to be taken day of surgery or when to stop certain medications.

If you have an Advanced Directive, bring a copy with you. Advance Directive Packets are available upon request.

During your interview process you will also talk with our insurance specialist to review your benefits and answer any financial questions you may have concerning your surgery.
preparing for surgery.

Surgery may need to be cancelled if:

  • A responsible adult does not accompany you on the day of surgery.
  • Testing was not completed or needs further investigation.
  • If you had anything to eat or drink outside of the guidelines discussed.
  • If you have a fever over 100, or any signs of infection.

Instructions will be mailed, faxed or emailed to you prior to your surgery.


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Follow your surgeon’s instructions.

The Surgery Center will call you the day before your surgery with your admission time. Patients should report approximately one hour prior to their scheduled surgery time, in order to have be ready for surgery at their scheduled time. Please feel free to call us the day before surgery, after 9:30 A.M. for your arrival time if that is more convenient for you and you have not already heard from us.

NOTHING TO EAT OR DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. No water, coffee, gum, candy. Avoid smoking. Brush your teeth but do not swallow any water. No smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages.

Do not shave the affected body part for two days prior to your surgery.

On the Day of Surgery

Upon arriving at the Surgery Center report to the reception desk. You will be asked to verify information that will includes your name, date of birth, address, insurance information and designated surgery. You will be asked to verify that you have read our Patient Rights, Privacy Practices, Advance Directive Information, Ownership Information and Grievance Process. This information is available on the website and reading it prior to the date of surgery is a requirement by law.

Any patient under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is required to sign the consent prior to the procedure.

Bring your insurance card and a form of picture I.D. (i.e. Driver’s license, etc.). If arrangements were made for a payment prior to surgery, please bring in the amount discussed in the form of cash, credit card or check.

You must have a ride home and someone to stay with you for the first 24 hours.

If instructed by your doctor: bring brace/post op shoe with you; have crutches or walker available after surgery in your car. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and good walking shoes. No sandals or flip flops if you are having surgery on your knees or feet.

Leave jewelry and valuables at home. You may bring your eyeglasses or contact lens case. For your safety, remove all jewelry, including ALL pierced items.
Do not wear make-up and remove any nail polish.

If you use an inhaler, please bring it with you on the day of your surgery.

Call the Surgery Center if any medical problems present prior to surgery 309-762-1952 between: 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. These may include: fever, illness, rash, infected area of skin, scrape or abrasion on the surgical extremity.

Upon Admission

A member of the staff will provide you with a gown, obtain your weight and ask you to empty your bladder. We will place your clothes in a locker. We secure the locker key on your chart throughout your stay with us. Your vital signs (temperature, pulse and blood pressure) will be checked. A nurse will review your medical history and ask you to sign the consent for surgery.

As soon as your information is reviewed and your IV is started your family will be brought back to the admitting area to stay with you until the time of surgery. We care about your comfort and privacy as well as the comfort and privacy of our other patients, therefore we are only able to allow one family member at a time in the admitting area.

If your surgery requires an anesthesiologist, he or she will meet with you prior to your surgery to review the information you have already provided to the nurses. An explanation about the type of anesthesia you will receive as well as a review of the risks involved with anesthesia will be given.

Your physician will visit with you prior to your procedure to go over any last minute questions or concerns. It is our policy to use a surgical marking pen to mark near the surgical area. Your surgeon will do this with his/her initials. This is a nationally accepted procedure to identify the correct surgical site.

Once you go to surgery, your family will wait in the reception area until your surgery is over.

pdf the_night_before_surgery.pdf

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Once surgery is over, your surgeon will talk to your family.

You will be taken to our recovery area where you will be monitored for approximately 30 to 60 minutes. Once you are discharged from this area your family member will stay with you until you are discharged.

Your prescriptions will be called to the pharmacy of your choice.

Discharge instructions will be reviewed and discussed with you and the responsible party that will be staying with you for the next 24 hours.

When your pain is manageable and you meet all of the discharge criteria, you will be taken to your car.

Upon Returning Home

Please follow your surgeon’s orders regarding medication, diet, rest, and activity.

In the first 24 hours after discharge, you should not drive, cook or operate machinery, smoke or drink alcohol, or make any important decisions.

If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness, it’s important to sit or lie down.

A nurse from the surgery center will call you the next business day after your surgery to see how you are feeling and to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

The day after surgery, you will need to call your surgeon’s office and make a follow up appointment.

The Satisfaction Survey that was sent home with you is a very important part of our continual efforts to provide safe, and efficient care in a pleasant environment. We ask that you return this in the self addressed envelope to your follow up appointment or send it in the mail, as your comments are valued and help us improve all of our services.


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You as a parent will need to be in the facility the entire time your child is in the Surgery Center. Please leave other children at home as we do not have a supervisor in the waiting area.

Please bring another adult with you when it is time to discharge the patient so you can concentrate on your child on the ride home.

Bring a favorite blanket, toy, and pacifier. You may also bring a quiet activity ie: coloring book, crayons, hand held video games.

You will be with your child until it is time to take them to the surgical suite. Once surgery is over and your child is in recovery or phase I, you MAY be able to be with your child once they wake up.

They will be put to sleep by using a mask.

If an IV is to be started, it is after they are asleep. Medication may be given before surgery to help your child relax.

Your surgeon will talk with you as soon as the surgery is completed.

We offer a tour of the facility prior to the day of surgery. We find that some children are less anxious on the day of surgery if they have already seen the facility and met our staff. Please call us at 309-762-1952 if you would like to schedule an appointment.


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